I chose this song for April because about then I realized that I was letting life happen to me because of how the last few years had played out. I decided to take matters into my own hands and apply to work for the county.
On May 4th I started working for the county and I saw people who were in as bad or worse situations than I was. I also started working with people who showed me how to pull myself up and get things done even with the worst situations. I'm reminded daily of how far I've come and how far I have yet to go.
Masterpiece describes June because that is when I started applying for full time positions with the county and other places. I had several interviews and was determined to get a good job.
I was finally starting to get some confidence being able to get what I wanted and needed.
August was stressful to me in the regards that I was anxious to hear about the interviews that I had gone to and I was worried that I wasn't good enough. I remember going to work every day feeling more and more upset.
This is the month that I finally got to start working full time!
This is the first month out of my whole life that I feel like I'm an adult and that I can make my own decisions without fear. Of course I will have to deal with the consequences but I can still make those choices for myself.