Friday, September 20, 2013

Working Girl

So I don't know how many of you know but I am currently working at JC Penny Photography Studio. I'm having a blast! Today was my first day of no training and I did great!

The day started slowly but I made a few appointments, worked in the photography room with my manager, answered some calls, and did the usual office stuff. It wasn't until about noon that I got a chance to rally shine though. A guest came in for a session with her dog and I ended up getting her to make a sale. I sat her down at the computer and did the enhancements (with some distractions mind you). She was a little over the limit on beer and she ended up spending more than she expected. I ended up making a nearly $300 sale! Needless to say I think I will love this job.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ablation Journal Entry 4

Well Monday was supposed to be the day I had my Electrophysiology testing and a possible ablation. I showed up at the hospital about 15 minutes before I was supposed to check in. They got me on the fast track and by 11 I was in my room and waiting for the surgery. After getting my IV and other things started I waited until what was supposed to be my surgery time. My dad asked what was going on and apparently it was pushed back a few hours. It was irritating but whatever. At  5 the doctor came into the room and said there was a mechanical malfunction and they would have to reschedule so they didn't put me in any more risk than needed.

I was upset of course but now that I've had time to cool down and I'm not starving I'm okay with the decision but it does make things a little difficult with scheduling for work. My boss seems to understand but you never know. So in about a month I will be getting a call to reschedule my appointment and I will keep everyone updated  and start posting other blogs to hopefully keep you entertained in the mean time.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ablation Journal Entry 2

Well the worry of the ablation is starting to really get to me. I just had an anxiety attack that felt more like a heart attack. Thankfully Mom reminded me to listen to Enya.  I'm really grateful that I'd had the foresight to make an anxiety playlist of nothing but her.

This is a really scary thing for me to be doing especially journaling about it for others to read. I know I'll have an amazing electro physiologist doing the surgery in one of the top 50 cardiac hospitals in California. It's just nerve wrecking to have my first surgery on my heart. All the research shows that it'll be an easy thing to do but it still makes me anxious. 

Pray for me. 

Ablation Journal Entry 1

I'm two days away from having my ablation and I'm nervous as hell. I suppose I should start at the beginning though. I'm sure it's a bit confusing coming into this blind. 

     I have an arrhythmia called Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. It's a congenital heart defect where the heart has an extra electrical pathway called the Bundle of Kent. This pathway forces the ventricle chamber of my heart to pump before there is blood in it. Pretty much it makes my heart go all fluttery without the whole love thing. Even though I was born with this condition it wasn't diagnosed until April 1, 2013. It'a actually a pretty funny story.

     I had broken a tooth and was going in to have it fixed. The doctor took my temperature and blood pressure (which I guess is normal now but I'd never had to have that done for someone to look at my teeth before.) My temperature was fine but my blood pressure was really high. They sent me to the Emergency Room where they ran all sorts of tests. During those tests they found a delta wave. The delta wave is a sure fire sign of having WPW. I wish this had been a joke but sadly it wasn't. So immediately I went to a cardiologist. I've been seeing him for the past 3 years and now I'm finally getting the surgery to have this thing fixed.