We all know that every job is hard in it's own way and they all have their perks too. Being a photographer at a chain studio is no different. JCPenny Photography is one of the last chain photography studios. The only reason is because we are affiliated with Lifetouch Photography. We also have a loyal base of customers that visit us often. That's awesome! We wouldn't be in business if it weren't for them but there are some "guests" that just irritate me.
Being associated with Lifetouch Photography means we get our pictures from the most well known photography business in the United States. They do school pictures and sports pictures as well so it provides a bit of security, On the other hand when people hear we are a branch of them they are surprised because most of the school photographers don't do that good of a job. Most school pictures are only one or two shots and then the child is scooted off. Most people don't appreciate that, especially when their kid ends up looking high or like Frankenstein's Monster.
Our loyal customers are awesome!Some come in bi weekly. Some monthly and some, come every few months. However often they come they are the the main source of our revenue and we love them! Their kids are usually great in the camera room. They know our procedures, packages, prices, and how things work in general.
HOWEVER there are those few customers that you see their name on the schedule and you want to bang your head against the wall. I'm talking about the ones that come in expecting you to choose the backgrounds on the spot, do 5 different outfit changes, have every picture be perfect, be in the camera room for an hour even though you have a waiting room full of people, then take 3 hours on the computer going over every single detail of every single picture before buying $10 worth of pictures. UGH There is nothing more irritating than that. In 10 years you won't care if you can't see the whole shoe in the picture. You'll care if you can see how cute your kid's smile is.
For the people who don't come in often you are still cool. We love getting to know new people and helping you make new memories. We just ask you don't act surprised that your kid doesn't respond the same to us taking pictures with big bright flashing lights in a hot camera room as at home with an iPhone. If it's a baby's first time in a studio they are likely to be scared at first. It will take a while for them to warm up to the experience. Just relax. We know what we're doing.
Oh and when we're selling you pictures we're going to try to get you a good deal. We aren't going to try to cheat you out of money or trick you. We will explain things to you and try to help you. Okay? So quit being so suspicious! DANG! While you're at it, KEEP YOUR KIDS UNDER CONTROL!!! Our waiting room is not a place for them to run around, or scream, or mess around with our equipment, or touch whatever they want to! They can do that at home but we are not babysitters. We do not get paid to watch your screaming, trouble making brats. If there is no need to complain about us don't do it... You will not get free things because you complain. Our manager is not stupid and neither is the district manager. Grow up!
Even though there are drawbacks there are a lot of things to love about my job. I get to see cute kids and babies on a daily basis. I get to help families make memories that will last beyond their lifetimes. I get paid to be an artist. What could be better than that? I get to release my creative nature AT WORK! That's a dream come true for me. I like the people that I work with. We usually have a good time when we are together. We talk, laugh, joke, share and generally have fun with what we do. Being a photographer is amazing in general especially for a person like me. I think this is exactly where I'm supposed to be right now.
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