Negative thinking is something that comes from a variety of mental health issues. Stress, depression, bipolar, low self esteem, ect. all contribute to negative thinking. At one point or another we all think or say "I can't do it!" That in and of itself is negative thinking. It is a symptom that can destroy you, what you've worked for and anything you will ever work for. The best way to resolve that is to force yourself to revise the way you think.
Step 1- Believe Positity and Happiness ARE Choices
Being happy and positive are within your reach. You just have to choose to be both. It took me a long time and a lot of my mom drilling it into my head for me to believe it but I believe it now. It's just a choice you have to make. You can be miserable and negative or you can be happy and positive.
Step 2- Find Things to Be Happy About
After my divorce I had several things to be mad about. My ex husband cheated on me, He abused me. He took me farther away from the God that I'd always loved. I felt like an utter failure, unlovable, and unwanted. Slowly I found things to be happy about. I had friends who love me. I had family, food, a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, and more comforts than most people. I also had a job. Every day I found something new to be grateful for and my mood improved. With my mood improving my thoughts got more and more positive.
Step 3- Combat Those Negative Thoughts
This part may take some time. Whenever you feel yourself getting down about a situation or hating about yourself think positive. Think of ways you can improve the situation or correct your previous statement even if you don't feel it. Soon you will start feeling it. The Bible says if Proverbs 23:7 "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he". This is definitely true. If you think positively about yourself you will be happier. If you find ways to improve your situation you won't be as stressed about them.
Step 4- Spread the Positive
Share the positive with everyone. Share things that are good. Be genuinely happy for others who have good happen to them.
Step 5- Celebrate Victories
That's right! Celebrate your victories! Be proud. Do something good for yourself. Brag a little... You deserve it as much as anyone else.
I hope you can take these tips and incorporate them into your daily life and become a happy, positive person that you want to be.
How To Rewire Your Brain For Positivity And Happiness
How to Train Your Brain to Think Positive
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