The book "All the Flowers in Shanghai" by Duncan Jepson takes place in China during the lifespan of a young girl named Feng who grew up in a modest home. After the death of her engaged sister, she is forced to marry into what would have been her sister's family. She soon finds out that being part of a wealthy family is harder than she ever imagined. As she ages she becomes hardened and makes many mistakes.
Though this is not my typical type of book I decided to read it because it fulfilled one of the requirements for my 2015 reading challenge. Obviously Duncan Jepson has the same initials as me. While I was trying to find a book to fulfill this requirement, all I could find were romance books. (yuck) I'm really not interested in those. This one caught my eye and the title just seemed like something similar to "Memoirs of a Geisha". It took me a while to read it all the way through since parts of it made me cry and other parts made me want to throw the book across the room. Overall I liked the book and would recommend this for my friends and family to read. I won't say much about the plot because I would give away too much with my rants.
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