Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Bullet Journal System

The Bullet Journal System is a way to keep yourself organized. You can keep your to do list, events, notes and much more in it. It's completely customizable. It was created by a man named Ryder Carroll. I've been using it for about a week now. I have two separate ones. I have one for work and one for personal things. I thought I'd share this little system with those of you who don't fit into the calendars and pre-made things like I do.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

An Open Letter From "The Cow"


I'm the girl from Walmart yesterday that was looking at the salad dressing when you and your boyfriend walked past me wearing "Bethel" tee shirts. You looked at me and giggled. "Look at the cow." Since I was the only other person in the isle and there were no cows on any packaging near me I assume you were talking about me. 

I also assume you know that Bethel is supposed to be a Christian church. How you behaved was why people look so poorly on us Christians. You, Miss, are a fraud. You cannot walk around proclaiming to be a follower of Christ and be a hateful, spiteful, person like that. 

You have no idea the struggles I have been through in my life and what has led me to be this weight. You don't know how HARD I am trying to lose this weight with little success or what medical conditions I have that complicate my weight loss.

What you said literally made me sick and not want to eat anything for the rest of the day. The only reason I did is because my mother convinced me that you are nothing more than a bully. If I were a younger girl you could have very well started me on a road to anorexia with that single comment. I urge you to watch what you say. Your words can hurt.